Lowongan Kerja Staff General Affair Surabaya September 2013 Terbaru - Lowongan Kerja Terbaru akan memberikan Informasi Lowongan Pekerjaan Terbaru untuk daerah Surabaya. Berikut Informasi Lowongan Kerja Staff General Affair Surabaya September 2013 Terbaru. Anda juga bisa melihat Lowongan Kerja Oktober 2013 Terbaru
PT. Putraduta Buanasentosa (Indoarsip ) was established on 30th January 1995 by Notarial Deed No. 79 of Basuki Sardi SH. This Deed was approved by the minister of Justice under Decision Letter No. 02-14.756 HT.01.01 TH.95, dated 15th November 1995. The article of Association has been amended from time to time, the latest by Notarial Deed no. 18 , dated 12th September 2008 of Ardi Iriansyah S.H. concerning the amendment of article of association in order to fulfill the requirement of the law No. 40, Year 2007 concerning “Limited Liabilities”.
The amendment was approved by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights in its letter No. AHU-96535.AH.01.02 Year 2008, dated 15th December 2008.
Indoarsip was founded by Didi Andries. He used to be a professional Auditor in a leading public accounting firm in Asia. Through his experience as an auditor; examining documents, he saw the opportunity to enter into a record and document management services in which he can help the customers to maintain their records and documents in a more professional manner.
Indoarsip started its commercial operation in August 1997. Since then, we have grown into a leading records and document management services that provide the comprehensive integrated paper and web based electronic documents management services enabling our customers to successfully unlock the true value of the information contained in their files, reduce cost ,improve their customers service level, resulting in increased productvity, performance and profits.
Our services consists of the following :
• Paper Document Storage
• Digital Media Storage
• Document Destruction
• Document Imaging
• On line Document Management
Indoarsip has been an innovator in developing practical, cost effective in record and document management field having clear Mission, Vision, Core beliefs, Core Values and Code of Ethics in conducting its Business.
Staff General Affair (Kode : GA) Surabaya - PT Putraduta Buanasentosa
Memiliki kemampuan administrasi yang baik
Dapat bekerjasama dalam tim
Dapat menjadi eksekutor yang baik
Lokasi kerja : Surabaya (*sesuai domisili)
Usia maksimal 30 tahun
Pendidikan Minimal D3 semua Jurusan
Jujur, Komunikatif, Tegas, Berani dan Memiliki Kemampuan Eksekusi yang Baik
Closing Date: 09-Oct-13
Lowongan Kerja Staff General Affair Surabaya September 2013 Terbaru
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 03.36
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